Since 1996, our firm has obtained compensation for our clients totaling tens of millions of dollars from negligent parties and their insurers.*
*California Rules of Professional Conduct 1-400 requires us to inform you that the results obtained on other cases do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Each case is different in terms of its facts, evidence, and available insurance coverage. The sampling of cases herein is for illustrative purposes only.
The following list includes just a few examples of cases we have settled or won through trial or binding arbitration:
$1,600,000 arbitration award for partial paralysis following
neck surgery.
$250,000 settlement for death of woman following post-operative infection.
$200,000 settlement for failure to diagnose brain aneurysm.
$400,000 settlement for botched foot surgery resulting in permanent
$270,000 arbitration award for failure to diagnose intraoperative bleed.
$175,000 settlement for failure to diagnose lung cancer.
$255,000 settlement for improper anesthesia during surgery resulting in
$124,000 settlement for failure to diagnose placental abruption.
$255,000 arbitration award for death of 6-week-old infant following failure
to diagnose pertussis.
$300,000 arbitration award for failure to diagnose cancer and loss of
$165,000 settlement for failure to diagnose bile leak following gall bladder
$29,999 settlement for botched breast reduction surgery.
$250,000 settlement for death following failure to diagnose colon
$65,000 settlement for failure to diagnose lung cancer.
$85,000 settlement for psychiatric malpractice resulting in patient suicide.
$50,000 settlement for failure to diagnose infection.
$180,000 arbitration award for hospital’s failure to recognize signs of a
heart attack.
$40,000 settlement for allergic reaction to anesthesia.
$75,000 settlement for negligent venipuncture resulting in nerve damage.
$85,000 arbitration award for botched foot surgery.
$270,000 arbitration award for undiagnosed post-operative internal bleeding.
$39,000 settlement for elderly cancer patient who fell out of hospital bed.
$175,000 settlement for misdiagnosis of lung cancer as respiratory
$50,000 settlement for psychiatric malpractice resulting in the patient’s
$30,000 for nerve damage in the arm after negligent vascular surgery.
$416,000 arbitration award for unnecessary surgery and loss of consortium.
$444,276 arbitration award for unnecessary hysterectomy and loss of
$88,000 arbitration award for negligent plastic surgery.
$145,000 settlement for failure to diagnose cauda equina syndrome.
$25,000 for back injury due to chiropractic malpractice.
$87,500 arbitration award misdiagnosed knee injury.
$90,000 settlement for failure to timely diagnose heart attack.
$366,528 arbitration award for the widow of a man who died during a cardiac
$150,000 settlement for failure to diagnose lung cancer.
$29,999 settlement for botched foot surgery.
$70,000 settlement for nursing malpractice where patient fell and fractured
her hip.
$125,000 settlement for misdiagnosed hip injury.
$60,000 settlement for negligent breast augmentation surgery.
$75,000 settlement for failure to diagnose and treat infection.
$185,000 settlement for negligent plastic surgery.
$125,000 settlement for negligent ankle surgery.
$105,000 settlement for failure to diagnose pulmonary embolus.
$100,000 settlement undiagnosed infection and septic shock.
$55,000 settlement for negligent nasal plastic surgery.
$40,000 settlement for nursing negligence and improper respiratory therapy.
$98,000 arbitration award for back injuries following auto
$990,000 for the family of an elderly woman killed by a bus while crossing
the street.
$750,000 settlement for back injuries and lost earnings from auto accident.
$40,500 arbitration award for back injuries following auto accident.
$67,500 settlement for disputed liability rearend accident and lost
$30,000 settlement for bicycle accident.
$38,000 arbitration award for freeway accident with disputed liability.
$65,000 settlement for neck injury from auto accident.
$830,000 settlement for back surgery after a security video monitor fell on
our client.
$27,000 for man hit by truck in driveway in disputed liability case.
$60,000 settlement back injuries in disputed liability accident case.
$25,500 settlement for rearend accident.
$75,000 settlement for neck injuries in a disputed liability auto accident.
$50,000 for a woman who suffered injuries when a vehicle turned in front of
$85,241 arbitration award for rearend accident.
$55,000 settlement for knee injuries in a slip and fall accident.
$65,000 settlement for fractured nose in car accident.
$50,000 settlement for slip and fall on spilled water in a restaurant.
$40,000 settlement for shoulder injury in an auto accident.
$45,000 for assault by property owner resulting in fractured ankle.
$40,000 for a woman who turned left in front of an oncoming vehicle in a
disputed liability case.
$52,500 arbitration award for auto versus bicycle case.
$37,500 settlement for knee and shoulder injuries following a disputed
liability head-on collision.
$28,000 settlement for injuries suffered when client was hit by office door.
$35,000 settlement for disputed liability accident case with shoulder
$750,000 settlement for minor who had been sexually molested by his coach.
$63,953 verdict for rearend collision resulting in neck and back injuries.
$42,000 settlement for bus versus auto accident claim.
$150,000 settlement for slip and fall resulting in knee and back injuries.
$100,000 settlement for car accident with serious back injuries.
$70,000 settlement for pedestrian hit by bus.
$41,000 settlement for knee injury in an auto accident.
$39,000 arbitration award for shoulder injury from car accident.
$49,500 settlement for disputed liability accident case.
$79,000 settlement for back injury from rearend accident.
$50,000 settlement for man hit by a car while jaywalking.
$42,500 arbitration award for hit and run accident with injuries.
$30,000 settlement for parking lot injuries.
$39,000.00 for a slip and fall knee injury.
$100,000 arbitration award for multiple neck and back injuries in a disputed
liability car accident.
$53,500.00 for a woman who suffered injuries when her apartment ceiling
collapsed on her.
$50,000.00 award for a man who was assaulted by his neighbor.
$65,000 settlement for a woman who suffered facial trauma in a car accident.
$41,680 settlement for back injuries in a car accident.
$74,000 settlement for trip and fall accident.
$119,250 settlement for water damage claim downtown high rise.
$100,000 settlement for multiple fractures in a car accident.
$50,000 settlement of insurance bad faith involving property damage.
$515,000 arbitration award for fractured elbow following a slip and fall
$36,000 settlement for rear-end car accident resulting in shoulder injuries.
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