Since 1996, our firm has obtained compensation for our clients totaling tens of millions of dollars from negligent parties and their insurers.*
*California Rules of Professional Conduct 1-400 requires us to inform you that the results obtained on other cases do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Each case is different in terms of its facts, evidence, and available insurance coverage. The sampling of cases herein is for illustrative purposes only.
We realize that no amount of money can possibly take away your pain or bring back a loved one who has died due to the fault of another, but monetary compensation is the only means by which the law can provide compensation and hold the negligent parties responsible. It is for this reason that we all purchase and pay for insurance coverage in order to cover and protect us and to compensate those who we may unintentionally harm as a result of our actions. Sometimes the insurance policy limit is insufficient to cover the damages, but rest assured that we will fully investigate any other sources of compensation prior to recommending settlement of your claim for the policy limit, if that is an issue in your case.

Read our sample cases in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury